Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


I have a PokerRanger1 license, is it of any use for PokerRanger2?

Yes, for a limited time, as PokerRanger1 user you can use your old license to get a cash reward in the amount of one month of PokerRanger2 subscription to make the transition as smooth as possible for you. This option can be combined with other free month subscription plans if available at the moment. After you have subscribed to PokerRanger2, you just need to drop us a short mail, so that we can link your new account to your PokerRanger1 account. A convenience mail link is provided at the bottom of your subscription page (available with active subscription).


Windows complains that the installer is from an "unknown developer". What does it mean?

In short: You can ignore it and will not see it in the future. Windows' smart screen checks if software downloaded from the Internet is signed with an official software certificate. If Windows cannot find such a software certificate, it will default to giving a warning. In case of PokerRanger, this warning can be safely ignored. It takes several months to receive such a certificate due to intensive checks and we are currently in the process of retrieving such a certificate. We have chosen to use the most reliable certificate (EV code signing) which is why the process takes especially long. If you would like to have any further details, do not hesitate to contact us.


My trial has expired but I never had the chance to try out PokerRanger2. Can I get a new one?

Yes, in certain cases, you can get a new trial period. Just copy your personal anonymous machine code and paste it into an email to our support team.


Can I use my custom ranges with PokerRanger2?

Yes, you can import your "prt" files with PokerRanger2 without any loss of data. Just continue adding further ranges or weights for your ranges. Of course, since PokerRanger1 does not support weighting, ranges exported from PokerRanger2 might not work with PokerRanger1.


How can I ask for a new feature?

We are very eager to add new features to PokerRanger2 if we receive the feedback to integrate them. We also love any feedback in general, if positive or negative. So, please, if you have any ideas, questions, feature wishes, or find a bug/user experience inconvenience, please contact us via mail or via some social media channel or via Skype (PokerRangerSupport). It is our mission to make PokerRanger as useful as possible for you.


PokerRanger1 does not open anymore, what has happened?

PokerRanger1 should still work, although we recommend to switch to PokerRanger2 because of many more features, more stability, better support etc. Is the issue that you see the task bar icon but no window? We have written an article how to fix this which should work in almost all of these cases. It has nothing to do with PokerRanger2.


For affiliates


Do you have affiliate programs?

Yes, we offer affiliate programs where you can get provisions. We will just ask you to provide special links to that allow us to link a subscription to your affiliate account. If you are interested and have a website, blog, video channel, or any other means to distribute content to poker players, feel free to contact us.


Do my old affiliate links still work?

Yes. If you use any affiliate links to, they will still work. It might make sense to create new ones to directly link to to have more control but potential subscriptions will still be attributed to you. In your old reports, you will also find the accumulated amount from PokerRanger1 purchases.


Michael A. Völkel

Lindenthalguertel 66

50935 Cologne, Germany

Contact / imprint


Skype: PokerRangerSupport

Discord: PokerRanger




© 2012 - 2025 · Michael A. Völkel, PokerRanger